It's Christmas Time!

It appears the seasons go a lot faster these days. We live in a culture that prides itself on fast-paced productivity and accomplishing as much as possible in a day’s time. The Christmas season is no different when we lose sight of what Christmas is all about. My prayer for you this year is that you slow down long enough to, by faith, see the Christ. In Luke 2:25–26 we read:
25 Now at Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon, who was a righteous and devout person who was expecting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he would see the Lord’s Christ.
Christmas is a fun time to gather around the living room and exchange gifts, laugh, and make memories that will be cherished for years to come. It’s a time to see family members perhaps you have not seen all year. It’s a time to catch up on family news, encourage one another, and just slow down from a fast-paced lifestyle the other 11 months bring. All these things mentioned above are an excellent way to spend your time off. But make no mistake, the most important thing about Christmas is seeing the Savior of the world. Gazing in on the wonder of what Christ accomplished for us through His substitutionary work on the cross.

Simeon was granted the opportunity to physically lay his eyes on the Savior of the world. In fact, in Luke 2:30 we read, “For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” What a glorious sight for Simeon to see! I realize that we have yet to see our Savior with our own physical eyes, but my prayer for you is that you have seen Him by faith. I pray that this Christmas will be filled with joy, fun, gratitude, and most importantly, worship! Worship of the Christ! Worship of His magnificence, His excellence, His glory! One day your faith will become sight; however, until then, keep pressing on, keep trusting, by faith, in the Son of God; keep looking to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith (cf. Heb. 12:2).

Merry Christmas!