For more information about any announcement or one you would like included, please fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page.

The next Men's Breakfast is at 7:30 AM March 8th in the Fellowship Hall.  Please register by going to the event on the app we know how many to prepare breakfast for.  Contact Mike Stoner if you want to help with breakfast.  Many hands make light work!  
Men's Breakfasts are now scheduled the second Saturday of each month thru 2024 except July and December!
Ladies' Update
Many fun new activities, Bible Studies and Conferences.
Connect Groups 
Doing-life-together Connect Groups meet at various times and places on Sunday.  Find one that works for you and come on in!
Wednesday Night - Dinner at 5:30; MBC Institute at 6:30
Sign up to bring food in the Wed Night Meals Message Group
Menus are posted in the Calendar
Library Update
The library added many wonderful books in 2024.  This year we are going to focus on a topic/genre every month.  Everyone (young and old) are encouraged to pick a book from the table in the lobby or in the library, read it and share your thoughts on the MBC Reading Book Club on the Meek Baptist App to share why or why not you would recommend your choice.  This is a great way to read something you otherwise might not read.  
Kids and adult books are available.  
Our facilities serving our community!

GED Classes
Meek Baptist Church and Wallace State Community College are teaming up to offer a convenient location for FREE GED Classes for the people of Arley and Winston County surrounding areas.
Visit for more information.

 During inclement weather, the MBC gym is used for pickleball. Join the Arley Pickleball Facebook page for more information.

Arley Women's Club
AWC meets monthly in the MBC Fellowship Hall.
The MBC Institute
Wednesday night educational classes for everyone!
Classes start at 6:30 or, better yet, come at 5:30 for our Wednesday night meal in the Fellowship Hall.
Connect Groups 
We aren't made to "do life" alone.
Join a Connect Group.
Food Pantry and Clothes Closet
2nd Thursdays 5:00 — 6:30PM
Contact the church if you'd like to help.
Consider giving to MBC Scholarship Fund
Write "Scholarship Fund" in your check memo, ask Jarrod for details, or give now.

Keeping communication open.

Fill out the form below to get started.