Mission, Vision, and Purpose
To God's glory, Meek Baptist Church will disciple Christians to worship God and evangelize Arley and the world for Christ.

We believe in loving our God with all we have and loving our neighbor as ourself:
The Great Commandment
Scripture says you cannot possibly love God in Heaven if you don't love people on earth (1 John 4:20). Our weekend services give us the opportunity to love on our God and each other.
The Great Commandment
Scripture says you cannot possibly love God in Heaven if you don't love people on earth (1 John 4:20). Our weekend services give us the opportunity to love on our God and each other.

We believe in connecting together within the pillar and support of the truth:
The Church
Our Connect Groups allow you to "get real" and connect with people in your church family to foster godly relationships that will strengthen your walk with Christ.
The Church
Our Connect Groups allow you to "get real" and connect with people in your church family to foster godly relationships that will strengthen your walk with Christ.

We believe in serving one another, our community, our nation, and the world:
The Great Commission
We want to help you find a place to reach your full potential as a follower of Christ. MBC offers many opportunities to serve the community and the world for Christ.
The Great Commission
We want to help you find a place to reach your full potential as a follower of Christ. MBC offers many opportunities to serve the community and the world for Christ.
About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.

Welcome to Meek Baptist church. We're glad you've chosen to find out more about us! We're a welcoming church family with members from many different church backgrounds. We look forward to meeting you and adding you to our family. Meek is a theologically conservative, emotionally expressive, mission focused, and relationally interconnected church. Our purpose is to love God and to love others as we focus on connecting and serving people in our community regardless of their background.
MBC holds to a preaching style called expository preaching. Expository preaching explains the text according to its literary context paying special attention to genre, biblical culture, theology, etc. It searches out the historical, grammatical intent of what the original author had to say to the original audience and then bridges it over for a 21st century context—preaching the whole counsel of God’s Word in its given context.