Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Meek Baptist Church men engage each other in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christ-like service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

Men's Weekly Bible Study
on the Book of Daniel
0800 Thursdays in the Dust to Glory classroom off the front lobby

Men's Group Chat

Join our men's group chat for a daily devotional, news and other encouragement between brothers in Christ.
1. Download the Meek Baptist Church App if not already downloaded.
2. Create a profile if not done: Top right corner just right of search icon.
3. Go to the messaging page: two little message icons in the top right corner just left of the search icon.
4.  Click on Discover and search for Men's Ministry.
5.  Click request to join and that's it!

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Men's Monthly Breakfast

Save the Date!  Men's breakfasts are the second Saturday of each month at 0730 -0930.  We take July & December off.  Fellowship, Breakfast, Worship and Vince Miller Video series on Foundations.  These lessons discuss the fundamentals of a man’s faith for any man serious about discovering 12 concepts from God’s Word that are timeless and apply to men at any stage of their faith journey.
We have a breakfast team led by Mike Stoner.  Please register on that app or contact me directly so they know how much food to prepare!

Register by going to the events calendar on the Meek Church app and you'll find the event listed there.  Or, you can RSVP to Rob Jassey via the Men's Ministry Group in the Meek App, or
Looking for men to help with set up and clean up.  Any and all help appreciated!

See you there!

14 All in Verses for Men (Vince Miller May 1-14, 2023

Unashamed. Shame leads to hesitation that leads to inaction. We must confess private shame in order to experience freedom, take the right action, and remain on-mission. (2 Timothy 1:8)

Tested and Refined. Removing impurities from silver and gold requires a crucible and fire. So too with our hearts. (Gen 6:5) Don’t ask God to remove it. The refining process results in purity and increased value. (Proverbs 17:3)

Press On. Stuck, stalled, or sapped? Imprisoned by thoughts, and shacked to inaction? We need to confess and repent. Yesterday is in the rearview; nothing we can change, so let it go. Today is for looking up, remembering His promises, pressing on, and moving forward. (Phil 3:13-14)

Steadfast. Being attacked, outside and inside the church? Christian beliefs collide the world’s views and require us to be steadfast and immovable, and to reject doubt. Stand strong with correct teaching, fortitude, and courage. (1 Co 15:58)

Vision. God’s got this, not us. Pride separates us from God’s plan and purpose. The leader’s role is to obey, embrace the vision, and be strong and courageous. (Joshua 1:9)

Confess. Healing power is spiritual more than physical, especially regarding sin. Healing comes from confession and prayer within a relationship with God, and other righteous men. (James 5:16)

Sharper. The master ironsmith gives purpose and shape to raw iron by using vision, heat, strikes, and a grinder. The iron shines brighter and gets sharper. A Christian man without other experienced Christian men in his life is like raw iron; dull, unrefined, and useless. (Proverbs 27:17)

Profitable. God breathed the contents of the Bible, and it contains life-giving instructions. The Bible teaches, reproves, corrects, and trains. We need to adhere to, rely on, and trust in it. (2 Tim 3:16)

Power & Provision. Are we in a season of spiritual drought, being testing? God knows it, how long it will last, and what we need. He planted us where we are, and if we trust Him, will provide what we need to be productive. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

Flee & Pursue. Spiritual momentum never remains neutral. Stop one thing and start another. Flee from bad teachers and teaching, but also pursue righteousness (proper conduct), godliness (obedience) , faith (trust), love (benevolence), steadfastness (staying power), and gentleness (manners). (1 Timothy 6:11-12)

Heavy Burdens. Men tend towards self-sufficiency, as it feeds pride and ego, but God didn’t intend for us to carry all burdens. Relief and rest comes when we discern our load, and trust God with His. (Matthew 11:28) Reminds me of Shift (Ps 55:22), Share (Gal 6:2), and Shoulder (Gal 6:5).

Certainty. Doing new things can be unsettling and test our character. It helps to have an experienced man show us the way. We need to stop listening to the voices of self-comparison and self-disqualification, pay attention to our
speech and behavior, and act from the correct motivation. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Ensnared By Fear. Traps are designed by a hunter to ensnare a target. They know how the target operates. Fear however is self-inflicted. To avoid this, we must turn our attention from fear to faith and fix our minds on trusting the Lord. Name, confess, and reject it to overcome it. (Proverbs 29:25)

Profit & Loss. Secular pursuits are attractive, and often animate us, but are selfish and result in short-term gains. We should instead focus our time, energy, and resources on selfless pursuits with eternal significance. (Matthew 16:26)

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