Children meet with their leaders to learn the stories throughout the Bible by watching videos, discussing the stories though out the Bible, question and answer time, prayer time, snack and fun activities.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our goal at MBC is to teach the good news of Jesus in an age-appropriate manner to children through learning Bible stories, New City Catechism, memorizing Bible verses, and enjoying fun activities that enhance their learning.
Sunday morning starts by checking in your potty-trained 3, 4 and 5 yr olds at the Welcome Center. During worship, they sit with their parents and then exit with the other kids to proceed to the 4 and 5 yr old room on the Children's Hall. Please pick them up directly after service.
MBC Kids
Sunday morning starts by checking in your K-6th graders at the Welcome Center. During worship, they are welcome to join the other kids in the front, pew. They exit with their teachers and proceed to the Children's Ministry Room. Please pick them up directly after service.
*On the 4th Sunday, children stay with their parents for Communion Sunday.
*On the 4th Sunday, children stay with their parents for Communion Sunday.
Few things are more life changing than for a child to have the knowledge God’s word and the ability to use His Bible effectively. The children will learn the books of the Bible, Bible history, Bible people, and life application; and we will praise God as we learn songs about our Savior. All of our Children's volunteers have background checks and serve under MBC Standard Operating Procedures to keep all of our kids safe.
Wisdom Warriors Wed
Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 7:30 during the school year we explore biblical books and have fun. Fun activities during the summer month. Kids check-in at the Fellowship Hall between 5:30 and 6:30. Dinner at 5:30.
3 yr olds to 2nd grade and (potty trained)
3rd to 6th grade groups
3 yr olds to 2nd grade and (potty trained)
3rd to 6th grade groups
Few things are more life changing than for a child to have the knowledge God’s word and the ability to use His Bible effectively. The children will learn the books of the Bible, Bible history, Bible people, and life application; and we will praise God as we learn songs about our Savior. All of our Children's volunteers have background checks and serve under MBC Standard Operating Procedures to keep all of our kids safe.
Fun Activities in 2025

Summer Camp 2024
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